Two unrelated stories in the news right now are the fact that Facebook is preparing to go to initial public offering on the New York Stock Exchange.
Seperarately is the saddening story that Kodak is filing for bankruptcy.
The thing that binds these two stories is the fact that Kodak was in a much more dominant position than Facebook just 15 years ago.
EVERYONE used a Kodak service back then, be it a camera, film or for developing films. Much like today where millions use Facebook on home computers, laptops, mobile phones, TVs etc.
Kodak became a victim of changing trends in technology and a failure to keep up with the times.
As Facebook goes public, I wonder where it will be in 5, 10 or 15 years? Will it still be a dominant force in communications or will it's best days be behind it, much like Myspace and Bebo (remember them?) peaked a little over 5 years ago.
Can Facebook stay ahead of the game and continue to innovate or will it rely on a mass of patents to pay off it's debts and open an ill-fated printer division?
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